This release introduces some important code and feature improvements.
Core Improvements: a global technology improvement introducing the httpfoundation component:
- New session management: sessions can now be stored optionally in different modes such as filesystem, redis, database and more to be implemented
- PHP Namespaces compatibility
- added serializer component
Feature Improvements: Refactored Communications Admin
Other minor fixes in this release:
#19753 - fix and refactor function canEnterCourse.
#20074 - User import in group - camel case
#20078 - fix Error loading dashboard when there is multiple dashboards with different permissions and refactor permission loading.
#20079 - Fixed: "Directly play the first Learning Object in the player" in course setting does not work
#20080 - Fix mandatory node selector check in registration
#20081 - Undo button: from submit to button and added a history.back command
#20084 - missing installation of dashboard_permission table. Added to setup and upgrade to 3.3