Enrollment of users into Forma

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Version: forma.lms 2.0

Enrollment of users into Forma

Post by KSLim »

Hello folks,
I am a newbie in Forma.
Please may I ask during the enrollment process, which fields in the db is being hit. Which table, which field, and are there any foreign keys?
Appreciate any advice.
Thank you.

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Re: Enrollment of users into Forma

Post by alfa24 »

If you're referring enrollment of users into courses, the main tables involved are learning_courseuser (obviously) and core_group_members, where the users are added to the group id related to their level in the course and defined in core_group table.

user with id 10000 is enrolled to course 1 as student (level = 3).
You will find the following record in learning_courseuser:

Code: Select all

| idUser | idCourse | level |
|  10000 |        1 |     3 |
levels for course 1 are defined in group in core_group table:

Code: Select all

| idst  | groupid                     | description                    | hidden | type | show_on_platform |
| 11851 | /lms/course/1/group/alluser | all the user of a course       | true   | free |                  |
| 11852 | /lms/course/1/subscribed/7  | for course subscription in lms | true   | free |                  |
| 11853 | /lms/course/1/subscribed/6  | for course subscription in lms | true   | free |                  |
| 11854 | /lms/course/1/subscribed/5  | for course subscription in lms | true   | free |                  |
| 11855 | /lms/course/1/subscribed/4  | for course subscription in lms | true   | free |                  |
| 11856 | /lms/course/1/subscribed/3  | for course subscription in lms | true   | free |                  |
| 11857 | /lms/course/1/subscribed/2  | for course subscription in lms | true   | free |                  |
| 11858 | /lms/course/1/subscribed/1  | for course subscription in lms | true   | free |                  |
So, the user 10000 will be added to groups 11851 (all users of course 1) and 11856 (users of course 1 with level 3):

Code: Select all

| idst  | idstMember | filter |
| 11851 |      10000 |        |
| 11856 |      10000 |        |
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Version: forma.lms 2.0

Re: Enrollment of users into Forma

Post by KSLim »

Thank you Alpha24/Jasmines. Sorry if I was not clear. What I was actually asking is the first enrollment of the user into the Forma system and not subscribing the user to a course. Appreciate your advice.
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Re: Enrollment of users into Forma

Post by alfa24 »

This is a little more complicated.
Obviously core_user and core_group_members (as a new registered user has a level in the core system, besides his role in the courses, and if the new user is created by and admin or with a org_code, you have also a record for its org groups.).
core_password_history is involved too, if you set the pass_max_time_valid value to be not zero in the configuration.
Then I would say core_field_user_entry if custom fields are defined.
If you configured options such as auto-subscribe to courses with code, see my previous post.
Moreover, cascading operations could be involved by your settings (subscription policies within groups/codes) and so on.
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