This happen everytime I try to insert an image using the TinyMCE.
The requested URL /forma22/appCore/index_tiny.php was not found on this server.
index_tiny.php is located at forma22/appCore/addons/mod_media
On TinyMCE --> insert/editimage
Source: click the --> foldersearch icon
On the area mod --> click add
file name --> browse for the image and
click the open button after that click --> Save changes
them you get the following message
The requested URL /forma22/appCore/index_tiny.php was not found on this server.
click on the back button on the browser
until you see the are mod media addpreview
under it you see the image that you trying to insert.
now click on the attachment icon, you find it before the delete icon.
On the Modal window click ok.
the image is now inserted.
Thank You