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Cannot access my lms site

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:21 am
by ausrob
Running 1.4.1 and had everyhing working:
I accesss //IP/formalms to see my site or //IP/lms to access the install.
(this triggers different /etc/httpd/conf.d files to set different aliases)

Now suddenly both go to the install formalms/install or lms/install (even the aliases are different).
and the url bar on the screen changes too.

All I have changed is getting apache to restart at reboot - chkconfig httpd on,
but not altered anything in forma.

One conf.d file is
# formalms

#Alias /formalms /var/formalms/install
Alias /formalms /var/formalms

# Apache 2.4
#Require IP
#Require IP ::1
#Allow from
#Allow from ::1

The other is the same with a different beginning
# lms
Alias /lms /var/formalms

What is the file it runs in /var/formalms? (I thought .htaccess, then index.php)

Any suggestion(s) would be appreciated

Re: Cannot access my lms site

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:52 am
by ausrob
so here is the note to help others.

1.Apache was not runinng : simply type the line below and reboot to check
chkconfig httpd on (I use Centos, and believe this is not httpd but apache or apache2 on some linuxs)

2. after this question, I decided to check the database, and could not login to phpMyAdmin
chkconfig mysqld on was needed too!

Reboot and all back to work!
Moral is when starting things during install, remember the chkconfig later eh

Re: Cannot access my lms site

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:56 pm
by max
Hi Ausrob,
thanks for sharing your experience. Hoping other users will do the same and also share their solutions, as well as their issues... :-)