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Off-Topic: online e-Learning Platform with special math question

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:21 pm
by oxyopes
Dear Friends,

sorry for the off-topic, but i could not find any other place for this question.

I am searching for an online e-learning platform.
By online i mean, i do not have to install it. I can use an external server.

There i want to create questions in the following manner:
The student inserts two numbers. Example: Nr1=123; Nr2=456.

Nr1 will be used as input to calculate Nr2. Then the system tests if Nr2 is right.
In this case: Nr2=Nr1+3

******* Where is it usefull? *******
I have students doing analyses. Each student receives a personalised sample
and has to measure its concentration.

I can create a code out of a concentration by doing some math. Thus i must
be able to use Nr1 as a variable in a formula to calculate Nr2, which will be tested.

If the math between Nr1 and Nr2 is complex enough, i hope nobody will manage to get the reverse engeniering.

I hope i could be clear.

If you consider the topic completely unappropriated for this place, pls indicate me a suitable place where i can ask this question.

Thanks a lot!

Re: Off-Topic: online e-Learning Platform with special math question

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:47 am
by max
Hello, welcome on board!

Don't worry about the off-topic, but I don't know how to help you. Forma doesn't have this type of question, and frankly I don't even know if Moodle has it. Besides, you're saying that you want a cloud service, not something to install.

My advice is to Google for it, searching for "online math training" or "learning" or something like that.

Re: Off-Topic: online e-Learning Platform with special math question

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:43 am
by oxyopes
My advice is to Google for it, searching for "online math training" or "learning" or something like that.
good idea. I ll do it!