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How to connect SSO using the wordpress plugin?

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:26 pm
by dranzer19

I just installed formalms and found the plugin for WordPress:

But I am having issues getting them to work. I can see the SSO and API Key/Secret settings that I must input in formalms and WordPress. So I did that.

But, checking the logs, it always shows response: null when I create or delete a user in WordPress. So connection isn’t working correctly.

What do I need to put in formalms “Single code for platform” and what should the “Authentication method” be? Please see my settings in the attached images.

I am using the latest forma 2.0. Thanks!

Re: How to connect SSO using the wordpress plugin?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:06 pm
by canelli
Hi danzer
your configuration seems correct

it seems that the WP installation can't contact the forma.lms instance. Please check
  • if php curl module is available on WP
  • the forma address put in WP configuration .
  • if the WP server can contact the forma.lms installation with the specified address
  • The url must be complete with path specification if forma installed in a subdirectory
What do I need to put in formalms “Single code for platform”
this configuration is not used by this plugin
what should the “Authentication method” be?
Authorization security key is the correct method

for more information and support , referrer to the home page of the plugin : and the support page: ... -connector


Re: How to connect SSO using the wordpress plugin?

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 5:28 am
by alfa24
You have a pm