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Captivate Course Upload

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:46 am
by jwaugh
I've built a course in Captivate, and output it as HTML5 with SCORM 1.2. I'm trying the Forma product, and I can't seem to find where to upload the training content. It contains files and folders, so I need to upload them all.

Can somebody describe how to do this?



Re: Captivate Course Upload

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:00 am
by max
Hi Jerry, it's pretty simple.
First of all, your content needs to be zipped, as with all the scorms and with all the LMS....Captivate should prompt you to zip your output at the end of the publication.

If you zip it manually, please make sure that the manifest file is in the root of your zip.

In forma, go to the administration area and create your first course from elearning>elearning>courses. Thus you'll automatically be enrolled as an administrator.

Then go to the front end area, reach your course, open the teacher area>LO management

Click on new LO, choose scorm and upload your course.