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Too few arguments in Uploader

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 2:43 am
by 3mike
Hi! I tried searching but didn't see this:

I'm receiving the follow error when I attempt to upload a course object or file:
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function sl_upload(), 2 passed in /home1/atlastm/public_html/appLms/modules/htmlpage/htmlpage.php on line 233 and exactly 3 expected in /home1/atlastm/public_html/lib/lib.upload.php:74 Stack trace: #0 /home1/atlastm/public_html/appLms/modules/htmlpage/htmlpage.php(233): sl_upload('/tmp/phpWOIzKA', '/appLms/htmlpag...') #1 /home1/atlastm/public_html/appLms/modules/htmlpage/htmlpage.php(86): save_file(Array) #2 /home1/atlastm/public_html/appLms/modules/htmlpage/htmlpage.php(247): inspage() #3 /home1/atlastm/public_html/appLms/class.module/class.definition.php(105): include('/home1/atlastm/...') #4 /home1/atlastm/public_html/appLms/index.php(84): LmsModule->loadBody() #5 {main} thrown in /home1/atlastm/public_html/lib/lib.upload.php on line 74]

This is the fuction from htmlpage.php on line 233:

Code: Select all

function save_file($file) {

	$path = '/appLms/htmlpages/';

	if($file['name'] != '') {

		$savefile = $_SESSION['idCourse'].'_'.rand(0,100).'_'.time().'_'.$file['name'];
		if(!file_exists($GLOBALS['where_files_relative'].$path.$savefile)) {

			if(!sl_upload($file['tmp_name'], $path.$savefile)) {

				$savefile = '';
			return $savefile;
and here is the fuction from lib.upload.php on line 74

Code: Select all

`function sl_upload( $srcFile, $dstFile, $file_ext) {
	$uploadType = Get::cfg('uploadType', null);

	$upload_whitelist =Get::sett('file_upload_whitelist', 'rar,exe,zip,jpg,gif,png,txt,csv,rtf,xml,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,odt,ods,odp,pdf,xps,mp4,mp3,flv,swf,mov,wav,ogg,flac,wma,wmv,jpeg');
	$upload_whitelist_arr =explode(',', trim($upload_whitelist, ','));
	if (!empty($upload_whitelist_arr)) {
		$valid_ext = false;
		$ext=strtolower(substr(strrchr($dstFile, "."), 1));
			$file_ext =strtolower(substr(strrchr($dstFile, "."), 1));

		foreach ($upload_whitelist_arr as $k=>$v) { // remove extra spaces and set lower case
			$ext =trim(strtolower($v));
			$mt =mimetype($ext);
			if ($mt) { $mimetype_arr[]=$mt; }
			getOtherMime($ext, $mimetype_arr);
			if ($ext == $file_ext) {
				$valid_ext =true;
		$mimetype_arr = array_unique($mimetype_arr);
		if ( class_exists('finfo') && method_exists('finfo', 'file')) {
			$finfo =new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
			$file_mime_type =$finfo->file($srcFile);
		else {
			$file_mime_type =mime_content_type($srcFile);
		if (!$valid_ext || !in_array($file_mime_type, $mimetype_arr)) {
			return false;
	$dstFile =stripslashes($dstFile);
	if( $uploadType == "ftp" ) {
		return sl_upload_ftp( $srcFile, $dstFile );
	} elseif( $uploadType == "cgi" ) {
		return sl_upload_cgi( $srcFile, $dstFile );
	} elseif( $uploadType == "fs" || $uploadType == null ) {
		return sl_upload_fs( $srcFile, $dstFile );
	} else {
        $event = new \appCore\Events\Core\FileSystem\UploadEvent($srcFile, $dstFile);
        \appCore\Events\DispatcherManager::dispatch(\appCore\Events\Core\FileSystem\UploadEvent::EVENT_NAME, $event);
        return $event->getResult();
Apologies if I've given more, or less, info than needed. Thanks in advance!

Re: Too few arguments in Uploader

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 6:33 am
by alberto
Hi, welcom on board!

It seems a PHP version issue. Forma 2.x support PHP up to version 7.0
If you using a higher version please downgrade to 7.0

Re: Too few arguments in Uploader

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 6:38 am
by alfa24
Search the forum before asking, please: