Hi Everybody
I have the following issue, When I try to upload a file with an image or Mp4 files, I receive the following error message :
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function sl_upload(), 2 passed in /home/santanas/prueba.santanasystemgroup.com/forma/appCore/addons/mod_media/body.php on line 302 and exactly 3 expected in /home/santanas/prueba.santanasystemgroup.com/forma/lib/lib.upload.php:74 Stack trace: #0 /home/santanas/prueba.santanasystemgroup.com/forma/appCore/addons/mod_media/body.php(302): sl_upload('/tmp/phpO0tjyM', '/common/users/1...') #1 /home/santanas/prueba.santanasystemgroup.com/forma/appCore/addons/mod_media/body.php(59): ins_personal_media() #2 /home/santanas/prueba.santanasystemgroup.com/forma/appCore/addons/mod_index/index.php(42): require_once('/home/santanas/...') #3 /home/santanas/prueba.santanasystemgroup.com/forma/appCore/addons/mod_media/index_tiny.php(22): require_once('/home/santanas/...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/santanas/prueba.santanasystemgroup.com/forma/lib/lib.upload.php on line 74
Does somebody know How to solve it?
Upload file
Re: Upload file
The solution has been posted many times.
Please search before asking.
Please search before asking.
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Re: Upload file
Ok thanks
I'll try to find it
I'll try to find it
Re: Upload file
thank you very much
I already found the solution
I already found the solution