next, here is:
<?php defined("IN_FORMA") or die('Direct access is forbidden.');
/* ======================================================================== \
| FORMA - The E-Learning Suite |
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| Copyright (c) 2013 (Forma) |
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| from docebo 4.0.5 CE 2008-2012 (c) docebo |
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\ ======================================================================== */
* Abstarct class for question (refer to Factory design pattners)
* @package Test Question
* @category Question
* @version $Id: class.question.php 662 2006-09-22 15:22:38Z fabio $
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
* @abstract
class Question {
protected $db;
* @var int $id contains the question identifier
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
protected $id;
protected $_table_category;
protected $title;
protected $categoryId;
protected $type;
protected $difficult;
protected $testId;
* class constructor
* @param int $id the unique database identifer of a question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function Question( $id ) {
$this->db = DbConn::getInstance();
if( $id !== NULL ) {
$this->id = $id;
$res = $this->db->query("SELECT idTest, idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult FROM %lms_testquest WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$id."'");
if ($res && $this->db->num_rows($res)>0) {
list( $this->testId, $this->categoryId, $this->type, $this->title, $this->difficult ) = $this->db->fetch_row($res);
$this->_table_category =$GLOBALS['prefix_lms'].'_quest_category';
* this function is useful for question recognize
* @return string return the identifier of the quetsion
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function getQuestionType() {
return 'question';
* @return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* @param int $id
* @return Question
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
return $this;
* @return mixed
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
* @param mixed $title
public function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;
* @return mixed
public function getCategoryId()
return $this->categoryId;
* @param mixed $categoryId
public function setCategoryId($categoryId)
$this->categoryId = $categoryId;
* this function return the sequence value for a new question
* @param int $idTest indicates the test selected
* @return int is the first empty position in question sequencing for the test $idTest
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function _getNextSequence( $idTest ) {
//select max sequence number
list($seq) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT MAX(sequence)
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idTest = '".$idTest."'"));
return ($seq + 1);
* this function correct the error in the sequence of the question's answer
* @return nothing
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function _fixAnswerSequence() {
$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
ORDER BY sequence, idAnswer");
$seq = 0;
while(list($id_answer ) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)){
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
SET sequence = '".(int)$seq."'
WHERE idAnswer = '".(int)$id_answer."'");
* this function return the page of the question
* @param int $idTest indicates the test selected
* @return int is the correct number of page for the question
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function _getPageNumber( $idTest ) {
list($seq, $page) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT MAX(sequence), MAX(page)
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idTest = '".$idTest."'"));
if(!$page) return 1;
list($type_quest) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT type_quest
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE sequence = '".$seq."' AND idTest = '".$idTest."'"));
if($type_quest == 'break_page') return ($page + 1);
else return $page;
* this function return the score in a good format for a query
* @param double $score the score to format
* @return double the score formatted
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function _checkScore( $score ) {
$score = preg_replace('[,]','.', $score);
if( $score{0} == '.') $score = '0'.$score;
return $score;
* this function create a new question
* @param int $idTest indicates the test selected
* @param string $back_test indicates the return url
* @return nothing
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function create( $idTest, $back_test ) {
* this function modify a question
* @param string $back_test indicates the return url
* @return nothing
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function edit( $back_test ) {
* this function delete the question with the idQuest saved in the variable $this->id
* @return bool if the operation success return true else return false
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function del() {
return true;
* this function create a copy of a question and return the corresponding id
* usually a son of this class don't need to redefine this function
* @return int return the id of the new question if success else return false
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function copy( $new_id_test, $back_test = NULL ) {
//retriving question information
list($idCategory, $type_quest, $title_quest, $difficult, $time_assigned, $sequence, $page, $shuffle) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned, sequence, page, shuffle
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'"));
//insert the question copy
$ins_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
( idTest, idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned, sequence, page, shuffle ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_test."',
'".(int)$shuffle."' ) ";
if(!sql_query($ins_query)) return false;
//find the id of the inserted question
list($new_id_quest) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));
if(!$new_id_quest) return false;
//retriving new answer
$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, sequence, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
ORDER BY idAnswer");
$map_answer[0] = 0;
while(list($idAnswer, $seq, $is_correct, $answer, $comment, $score_c, $score_inc) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {
//insert answer
$ins_answer_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
( idQuest, sequence, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_quest."',
'".$this->_checkScore($score_inc)."') ";
if(!sql_query($ins_answer_query)) return false;
list($map_answer[$idAnswer]) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));
//retriving extra information for this question
$re_extra = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, extra_info
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest_extra
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'");
// save all the extra info, if there are
while(list($id_answer, $title_info) = sql_fetch_row($re_extra)) {
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest_extra
( idQuest, idAnswer, extra_info ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_quest."',
'".sql_escape_string($title_info)."' )")) return false;
return $new_id_quest;
function import( $format, $back_test = NULL ) {
function export( $id, $format, $back_test = NULL ) {
* display the quest for play, if
* @param int $num_quest the number of the quest to display in front of the quest title
* @param bool $shuffle_answer randomize the answer display order
* @param int $id_track where find the answer, if find -> load
* @param bool $freeze if true, when load disable the user interaction
* @param int $number_time the actual number of attempt
* @return string of html question code
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function play( $num_quest, $shuffle_answer = false, $id_track = 0, $freeze = false, $number_time = null ) {
return '';
* return true if the user as done this question
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function userDoAnswer( $id_track ) {
$recover_answer = "
SELECT idAnswer
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND
idTrack = '".(int)$id_track."'";
$re_answer_do = sql_query($recover_answer);
if(sql_num_rows($re_answer_do)) return true;
else return false;
* save the answer to the question in an proper format
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @param array $source source of the answer send by the user
* @param bool $can_overwrite if the answer for this question exists and this is true, the old answer
* is updated, else the old answer will be leaved
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function storeAnswer( Track_Test $trackTest, &$source, $can_overwrite = false ) {
return true;
* save the answer to the question in an proper format overwriting the old entry
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @param array $source source of the answer send by the user
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access private
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function updateAnswer( $id_track, &$source ) {
return true;
* delete the old answer
* @param int $id_track the relative id_track
* @return bool true if success false otherwise
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function deleteAnswer( $id_track ) {
return true;
* force a score to a question
function setUserScore($id_track, $id_quest, $new_score) {
switch($this->getScoreSetType()) {
case "manual" : {
$query_update = "
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
SET score_assigned = '".$new_score."',
manual_assigned = '1'
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."'";
return sql_query($query_update);
case "auto" : {
$sel_answer = "
SELECT idAnswer
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."'";
list($id_answer) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query($sel_answer));
$query_update = "
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
SET score_assigned = '0'
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."'";
$re = sql_query($query_update);
$query_update = "
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
SET score_assigned = '".$new_score."'
WHERE idTrack = '".$id_track."' AND idQuest = '".$id_quest."' AND idAnswer = '".$id_answer."'";
$re &= sql_query($query_update);
return $re;
* get the method used to obtain result automatic or manual
* @return string contain one of these value :
* 'none' if the question doesn't return any score (such as title or break_page)
* 'manual' if the score is set by a user,
* 'auto' if the system automatical assign a result
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function getScoreSetType() {
return 'none';
* get the maximum score for the question
* @return double the maximum score for a correct answer
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function getMaxScore() {
$max_score = 0;
$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT score_correct
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'");
while(list($score_correct) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {
$max_score = round($max_score + $score_correct, 2);
return $max_score;
* set the maximum score for the question
* @param double $score the score that you want to set
* @return double return the effective point that will be assigned to the question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function getRealMaxScore( $score ) {
list($num_correct) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '1'"));
if(!$num_correct) $score_assigned = 0;
else $score_assigned = round($score / $num_correct, 2);
return round($score_assigned * $num_correct, 2);
* set the maximum score for the question
* @param double $score the score assigned to the question
* @return double contain the new maximum score for the question, can be different from the param $score
* because can be round
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function setMaxScore( $score ) {
list($num_correct) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '1'"));
if(!$num_correct) $score_assigned = 0;
else $score_assigned = round($score / $num_correct, 2);
$re_assign = sql_query("
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
SET score_correct = '0'
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '0'");
$re_assign = sql_query("
UPDATE ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
SET score_correct = '".$score_assigned."'
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."' AND is_correct = '1'");
if(!$re_assign) return 0;
else return round($score_assigned * $num_correct, 2);
* return the user score for this question
* @param int $id_track the test relative to this question
* @param int $number_time the number of the attempt
* @return double return the score for the user or 0 if there isn't a track for the question
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function userScore( $id_track, $number_time = null ) {
$score = 0;
$query = "SELECT score_assigned
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testtrack_answer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
AND idTrack = '".(int)$id_track."'";
if ($number_time != null){
$query .= " AND number_time = ".$number_time;
$query .= " ORDER BY number_time DESC LIMIT 1";
$re_answer = sql_query($query);
if(!sql_num_rows($re_answer)) return $score;
while(list($score_assigned) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {
$score = round($score + $score_assigned, 2);
return $score;
* display the question with the result of a user
* @param int $id_track the test relative to this question
* @param int $num_quest the quest sequence number
* @param int $number_time the quest attempt number
* @return array return an array with xhtml code in this way
* string 'quest' => the quest,
* double 'score' => score obtained from this question,
* string 'comment' => relative comment to the quest
* bool 'manual_assigned' => if the score is alredy assigned manually, this is true
* @access public
* @author Fabio Pirovano (
[email protected])
function displayUserResult( $id_track, $num_quest, $show_solution, $number_time = null ) {
return array( 'quest' => $num_quest.' : displayUserResult() not defined ! '.$this->getQuestionType().'<br />',
'score' => 0,
'comment' => '',
'manual_assigned' => 0 );
function importFromRaw($raw_quest, $id_test = false) {
if($id_test === false) $id_test = 0;
//insert question
$ins_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
( idQuest, idTest, idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned, sequence, page ) VALUES
'1' ) ";
if(!sql_query($ins_query)) return false;
//find id of auto_increment colum
list($new_id_quest) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"));
if(!$new_id_quest) return false;
if(!is_array($raw_quest->answers)) return $new_id_quest;
while(list(,$raw_answer) = each($raw_quest->answers)) {
//insert answer
$ins_answer_query = "
INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
( idQuest, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect ) VALUES
( '".(int)$new_id_quest."',
'".$this->_checkScore($raw_answer->score_penalty)."') ";
if(!sql_query($ins_answer_query)) return false;
return $new_id_quest;
function getCategoryName($id_cat = null) {
if ($id_cat == null){
$id_cat = $this->categoryId;
$name = '';
$qtxt = "SELECT name "
."FROM ".$this->_table_category." "
."WHERE idCategory = '".$id_cat."' ";
$re = sql_query($qtxt);
list($name) = sql_fetch_row($re);
return $name;
function exportToRaw($id_test = false) {
//retriving question information
list($idCategory, $type_quest, $title_quest, $difficult, $time_assigned, ) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("
SELECT idCategory, type_quest, title_quest, difficult, time_assigned
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'"));
//insert the question copy
$oQuest = new QuestionRaw();
$oQuest->id = $this->id;
$oQuest->qtype = $this->getQuestionType();
$oQuest->id_category = $this->getCategoryName($idCategory);
$oQuest->quest_text = $title_quest;
$oQuest->difficult = $difficult;
$oQuest->time_assigned = $time_assigned;
$oQuest->answers = array();
$oQuest->extra_info = array();
//retriving new answer
$re_answer = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, is_correct, answer, comment, score_correct, score_incorrect
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquestanswer
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'
ORDER BY idAnswer");
while(list($idAnswer, $is_correct, $answer, $comment, $score_c, $score_inc) = sql_fetch_row($re_answer)) {
$oAnswer = new AnswerRaw();
$oAnswer->is_correct = $is_correct;
$oAnswer->text = $answer;
$oAnswer->comment = $comment;
$oAnswer->score_correct = $score_c;
$oAnswer->score_penalty = $score_inc;
$oQuest->answers[] = $oAnswer;
//retriving extra information for this question
$re_extra = sql_query("
SELECT idAnswer, extra_info
FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest_extra
WHERE idQuest = '".(int)$this->id."'");
// save all the extra info, if there are
while(list($id_answer, $title_info) = sql_fetch_row($re_extra)) {
$oAnswer = new AnswerRaw();
$oAnswer->text = $title_info;
$oQuest->extra_info[] = $oAnswer;
// Customfield
$fman = new CustomFieldList();
$fman->setFieldArea( "LO_TEST" );
$oQuest->customfield = $fman->playFieldsFlat($this->id);
return $oQuest;
static function getTestQuestsFromTest($idTest){
$query_quest = "SELECT idQuest, type_quest, title_quest"
. " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testquest"
. " WHERE idTest = '" . $idTest . "'"
. " ORDER BY sequence";
$result_quest = sql_query($query_quest);
$quests = array();
while (list($idQuest, $type_quest, $title_quest) = sql_fetch_row($result_quest)) {
$quests[$idQuest]['idQuest'] = $idQuest;
$quests[$idQuest]['type_quest'] = $type_quest;
$quests[$idQuest]['title_quest'] = $title_quest;
return $quests;
static function getTestQuestAnswerFromQuestAndStudents($idQuest,$idStudents){
$query_answer = "SELECT tqa.idAnswer, tqa.is_correct, tqa.answer"
. " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testquestanswer AS tqa"
. " " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack_answer tta ON tqa.idAnswer = tta.idAnswer"
. " " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_testtrack tt ON tt.idTrack = tta.idTrack"
. " WHERE tqa.idQuest = '" . $idQuest . "'";
$query_answer .= " and tt.idUser in (" . implode(",", $idStudents) . ")";
$query_answer .= " ORDER BY tqa.sequence";
$result_answer = sql_query($query_answer);
$answers = array();
while (list($id_answer, $is_correct, $answer) = sql_fetch_row($result_answer)) {
$answers[$idQuest][$id_answer] = array('idAnswer'=>$id_answer,'is_correct' => $is_correct,'answer' => $answer);
return $answers;
class QuestionRaw {
var $qtype = NULL;
var $id_category = 0;
var $prompt = false;
var $quest_text = false;
var $difficult = 3;
var $time_assigned = 0;
var $answers = array();
var $extra_info = array();
function QuestionRaw() {}
function setCategoryFromName($category_name) {
$cat_list = array();
$qtxt = "SELECT idCategory "
."FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_quest_category "
."WHERE name = '".$category_name."' AND ( author = 0 OR author = ".(int)getLogUserId()." ) ";
$re = sql_query($qtxt);
if(!$re || !sql_num_rows($re)) $this->id_category = 0;
else list($this->id_category) = sql_fetch_row($re);
class AnswerRaw {
var $is_correct = 0;
var $text = false;
var $comment = false;
var $score_correct = 0;
var $score_penalty = 0;
function AnswerRaw() {}