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What tables affected when registering student?
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:41 pm
by ebsi
Hi all,
From DATABASE viewpoint, when a student registers on docebo 3.6 What tables affected when registering student?
Is there any difference in 4.05?
Thanks in advance
Re: What tables affected when registering student?
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:45 am
by alberto
Hi Thomas, both on versions 3.6 and 4 the tables involved in user registration are:
core_st: add incremental id
core_users: add user with idst from core_st
core_group_members: on first user access adds 3 rows with permission 1,2 (orgchart),5 (5 if user, 3 if superadmin, 4 if admin)
Then if you have custom fields you'll have to populate also "core_field_userentry".
Only on user self registration also table "core_user_temp" is used to store temporary user data and the code of the confirmation login sent via email on registration form submit.
Re: What tables affected when registering student?
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:22 am
by ebsi
Hi Alberto...
Regarding the core_Group_Members... does this permission reflect the same structure as user levels?
Also you say level 1 is ghost and 7 Super Admin... so
7 Course administrator
6 Teacher
5 Mentor: a subject expert
4 Tutor: a communication processes expert
3 Student
2 Guest (a guest user subscribed to the course with visual access rights only)
1 Ghost (a user whose activity is not tracked by the system)
From the look of what you say above the groups dont reflect the same as user levels...
so is group levels different?
Also where does roles enter into it?
Or am I confusing it too much (or did docebo
Thanks again
Re: What tables affected when registering student?
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:38 am
by alberto
All the permissions in docebo are stored in table "core_group", both for platform profiling (Superadmin, admin, publicadmin, user) and course profiling (student, tutor, mentor, ecc).
Groups for platform profiling are 4 and fixed, groups for course profiling are 7 and different for each course, so of course the structure con't be the same