1 - Language: the upgrader will overwrite the existing languages, so if you cusomized any language key (i.e. labels, email text messages, etc) remember to export your language files from the old version, and import them back again in the new one
Then after following the standard upgrade instructions, you'll have to do a few missing database inserts:
2 - Data Aggregation Report
The new report type "Data Aggregation" is not added to database, but the core files are there, so you just need to do this database insert:
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `learning_report` (`id_report`, `report_name`, `class_name`, `file_name`, `use_user_selection`, `enabled`) VALUES
(5, 'aggregate_report', 'Report_Aggregate', 'class.report_aggregate.php', 'true', 1);
3 - Missing admin permissions
Under a new 405 the certificate the permission management works fine and certificates doesn't show-up when hidden from profile administration.
This is an example sql code for the insert, you just need to CHANGE ALL THE IDST IN THIS CODE with a progressive number starting from the last value you find in the idst table. I.E., if your last idst is 21945, set 21946 in the first line, 21947 in the second and so on:
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `core_role` (`idst`, `roleid`, `description`) VALUES
('21946', '/lms/course/public/pusermanagement/view', NULL),
('21947', '/lms/course/public/pusermanagement/add', NULL),
('21948', '/lms/course/public/pusermanagement/mod', NULL),
('21949', '/lms/course/public/pusermanagement/del', NULL),
('21950', '/lms/course/public/pusermanagement/approve_waiting_user', NULL),
('21951', '/lms/course/public/pcourse/view', NULL),
('21952', '/lms/course/public/pcourse/add', NULL),
('21953', '/lms/course/public/pcourse/mod ', NULL),
('21954', '/lms/course/public/pcourse/del', NULL),
('21955', '/lms/course/public/pcourse/moderate', NULL),
('21956', '/lms/course/public/pcourse/subscribe', NULL),
('21957', '/lms/course/public/public_report_admin/view', NULL),
('21958', '/lms/course/public/public_newsletter_admin/view', NULL),
('21959', '/lms/course/public/pcertificate/view', NULL),
('21960', '/lms/course/public/pcertificate/mod', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/quest_bank/mod', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/quest_bank/view', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/reservation/mod', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/reservation/view', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/coursecharts/view', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/coursestats/view', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/presence/view', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/1/coursecharts/view', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/1/coursestats/view', NULL);
('21960', '/lms/course/private/1/presence/view', NULL);
4 - Other known Issues: it seems that after the upgrade process the course edition status is set to "confirmed" and needs to be changed manually
Please, let us know if you notice anything else!