php versions to install forma 1.0
php versions to install forma 1.0
Hi, I'm trying to install forma 1.0 but I got a problem 'cause my php version is 5.5.8
I 'd guess it's to high for this version of forma. Does anybody know till which php version you can install forma 1.0?
thanks in advance
I 'd guess it's to high for this version of forma. Does anybody know till which php version you can install forma 1.0?
thanks in advance
Re: php versions to install forma 1.0
In file README.txt included in the tarball you can found info about requirements.
In mean time , forma version
* 1.0 and 1.1 require php 5.3
* 1.2 : first support for php 5.4
* 1.3 : php 5.5 and php 5.6 for test environment
In mean time , forma version
* 1.0 and 1.1 require php 5.3
* 1.2 : first support for php 5.4
* 1.3 : php 5.5 and php 5.6 for test environment
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Claudio Anelli
Joint Technologies - Sistemi avanzati per l'information technology
Claudio Anelli
Joint Technologies - Sistemi avanzati per l'information technology
Re: php versions to install forma 1.0
Grazie mille Claudio!