SQL error
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:57 pm
Just returned to playing with FormaLMS. Yesterday installed the latest version and successfully uploaded a SCORM package. Today I can no longer create any learning object. I get an sql error which looks approximately as below. I am using a WAMP called vertrigoserv and which seems to be functioning ok otherwise.
Any help would be welcome.
Just returned to playing with FormaLMS. Yesterday installed the latest version and successfully uploaded a SCORM package. Today I can no longer create any learning object. I get an sql error which looks approximately as below. I am using a WAMP called vertrigoserv and which seems to be functioning ok otherwise.
Any help would be welcome.
Code: Select all
Error on _addFolder: INSERT into learning_organization( idOrg, idParent, path, lev, title, objectType, idResource, idCategory, idUser, idAuthor, version, difficult, description, language, resource, objective, dateInsert, idCourse, prerequisites, isTerminator, idParam, visible, milestone, width, height, publish_from, publish_to, access, publish_for ) VALUES (NULL,'0','/root/00000002','1', 'gdgdf', 'htmlpage', '2', '0', '0', '11836', '1.0', '_DIFFICULT_MEDIUM', '', '', '', '', '2015-10-02 12:50:00' , '1', '', '0', '10', '1', '', 0, 0, '', '', '', '' ) Data truncated for column 'difficult' at row 1