The Elearning Community • Test feedback not behaving as expected
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Test feedback not behaving as expected

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:00 pm
by jamesd
Hi, this is the last thing that i'm confused about right now hopefully the community have seen it before or can help?

On a test I can configure Feedback in Feedback management.

We've set up messages for the following scores: 0-30, 31-49 and 50-100 and the test is set to express the score as a percentage.

When someone finishes the test they are shown the appropriate message but for some reason they are also always shown the message for 0-30 as well (see second attachment).

Any ideas anyone?

Re: Test feedback not behaving as expected

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:01 pm
by alfa24
In /appLms/lib/lib.assessment_rule.php


Code: Select all

function  __construct($test_id) {
		$this->test_id =(int)$test_id;
		$this->db =DbConn::getInstance();
replace with:

Code: Select all

function  __construct($test_id) {
		$this->test_id =(int)$test_id;
		require_once(_lms_.'/lib/lib.test.php' );
		$test_man       = new TestManagement($this->test_id);
		$this->test_info = $test_man->getTestAllInfo();
		$this->db =DbConn::getInstance();

Code: Select all

public function setRulesFromScore($score_arr) {

		$res =true;

		$where_score_arr =array();
		foreach($score_arr as $val) {
			$where_score_arr[]="(category_id = '".(int)$val['category_id']."' ".
				"AND from_score <= '".(int)$val['score']."' AND to_score >= '".(int)$val['score']."')";
replace with:

Code: Select all

public function setRulesFromScore($score_arr) {

		$res =true;

		$where_score_arr =array();
		$where_score_arr[]="(category_id = '".(int)$score_arr[$this->test_info['point_type']]['category_id']."' ".
					"AND from_score <= '".(int)$score_arr[$this->test_info['point_type']]['score']."' AND to_score >= '".(int)$score_arr[$this->test_info['point_type']]['score']."')";

Re: Test feedback not behaving as expected

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:04 pm
by jamesd
Yay! That worked perfectly. Thank you.

Re: Test feedback not behaving as expected

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:16 pm
by g.nucifora
Hi everyone,
the applied fix is actually not correct becasue it does not take the calculation rules related to the categories.
If you have 3 categories for questions "$score_arr" has this values :

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array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'score' => 100.0,
    'category_id' => 0,
   1 => 
  array (
    'score' => 100.0,
    'category_id' => 1,
   2 => 
  array (
    'score' => 100.0,
    'category_id' => 3,
   3 => 
  array (
    'score' => 100.0,
    'category_id' => 5,
and you take $score_arr[$test_info['point_type']] to calculate the where clausule the result is not correct because possible values for $test_info['point_type'] are only 0 and 1.

The problem is upstream of that function and precisely in the file with path

Code: Select all

' in particular before the function 'setRulesFromScore' is called on line 1276 approximately.

find :

Code: Select all

    foreach ($point_do_cat as $cat_id => $score) {
        $score_arr[$i]['score'] = $score;
        $score_arr[$i]['category_id'] = $cat_id;
    // final score:
    $score_arr[$i]['score'] = $point_do;
    $score_arr[$i]['category_id'] = 0;

and replace with :

Code: Select all

if ($test_info['point_type'] == '1') {
        $score_arr[$i]['score'] = $point_do;
        $score_arr[$i]['category_id'] = 0;
    } else {
        foreach ($point_do_cat as $cat_id => $score) {
            $score_arr[$i]['score'] = $score;
            $score_arr[$i]['category_id'] = $cat_id;
This allow to use and calculate feedback based on question category values if point_type is numerical and in perc if point_type is in percentage.

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