Importing User Certificate Data

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Importing User Certificate Data

Post by Mitchellsm »

Hello all,

I am fairly new to Forma and have a question about importing user data from our current LMS. We are currently migrating to Forma 2.4.5 from our own in-house LMS for context.

I understand the process of importing user data from our current LMS into forma and assigning them to their required courses. However I need to be able to import our users, assign them to their required courses and then mark specific courses as completed for the users who have already completed courses using our current LMS so they don't have to retake a course they have already completed.

I'm not sure if this is a common task for most Forma admins but this is a functionality we require to build training matrices and skill/competency matrices for our business.

If anyone can point me in the right direction or link me to the correct page in the documentation that would be great.
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Re: Importing User Certificate Data

Post by alfa24 »

you can't massively set courses completed.
You need to run queries in DB.
The query is:

Code: Select all

UPDATE learning_courseuser SET status = 2 WHERE idCourse = X AND idUser = Y;
You can extend the query to multiple users/courses if you can find criteria for selections, or, if it's the case, set status = 2 (that means "course completed") for all.
Pay attention on sql syntax, as this operations are not reversible, and above all I suggest you to make a backup before launching queries.

The above query works for elearning courses, not coursepaths nor classrooms. For those types you need complex cascade queries. If you need complex manipulations, I'm available in private.
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