User Registration to the Platform

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User Registration to the Platform

Post by bbater2021 »

I am using FormaLMS 3.1.0. On a course I have set up a 'Code for the automatic subscription to a course'. Under Settings > System Configuration > Settings > User I have set up 'Free self-registration' and under 'Registration code usage' I have selected 'Ask for a tree code that must be entered manually by the user'. This may work for registering on my course, but I can't get past registering on the platform.

When I test the self-registration procedure, I get a 'Register' link on the landing page. Clicking this displays
the platform registration screen, which I fill-out, except for the field 'Code'. I don't know what to enter in this field and when I proceed, I get an 'Activation code not valid' error. I have searched the manuals and the forum for 'Code' and 'activation code' to no avail, Can you please explain how I simply allow a user to register on the platform, then onto my course using the code I supply to them?

Many thanks.

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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by alfa24 »

Tree code refers to org chart nodes, not to courses. ... ation.html

If you need your users join courses with a code AFTER registration, you have to use activation codes: ... codes.html
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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by bbater2021 »

Thanks, alfa24, that's helped me understand that this needs setting up in two places. In Configurations > User I have set the 'Registration type' to 'Free self registration' and the 'Registration code usage' setting to 'Ask for a code created through the code module'. Then in Settings > System configuration > Code I have added my course and set the code module code for it with Unlimited Use.

This gave me a 'Code' field on the platform registration form, where I entered the course code. That took me to a screen thanking me for my registration and with a large green tick (see attached image). It also said I would 'receive an email with the confirmation link'. I waited 15 minutes, but no email arrived (and it has till not arrived hours later). So I tried logging-in anyway and succeeded. So, I am logged-in OK, but I need to document a reliable registration and log-in procedure to send to my prospective students. Should Forma say I will receive an email which never arrives, or is this an anomaly? I thought it only applied to the option 'Free registration with double OPT-IN'. Advice appreciated. :)
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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by alfa24 »

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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by bbater2021 »

Sorry, Alfa24, how does this help me?
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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by max »

Alfa24 is pointing you to the guide on the event manager.
All the notifications in Forma are enabled or disabled from there. Including the email you are waiting for.
No email should take 15 minutes: if enabled, it would be sent immediately. Provided the email sender in your Lms is correctly set, of course.
So what Alfa24 is suggesting you is to check if that "event" is enabled or not. If not, you could even wait for 15 years.
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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by alfa24 »

You have to turn on the email notification for the wanted event.
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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by bbater2021 »

Max, alfa24, sorry, but how do I know which event is supposed to send that email? Sorry if I am being thick.
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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by bbater2021 »

FYI, I have set to 'Mandatory' every event which results in an email to the User. I still receive no email. But don't worry, I'll just say in my registration instructions not to wait for an email. You can close this support request now, thanks. :|
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Re: User Registration to the Platform

Post by alfa24 »

If the email does not arrive with all event turned on you have a problem with SMTP configuration.
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