Login Form


Forma provides a global "Community Forums" feature, independent from course subscriptions, and featuring:

  • Unlimited forums
  • Forum moderation
  • Notifications for new messages and threads
  • Private threads


Separate forums with same features can be created also within each course, reserved to course users. Check the Course Forums guide for details


Activate Community Forums

You can activate / deactivate the community forums from the "Usera Area LMS" settings page:

Admin > Settings > Elearning Configuration > User Area LMS

You will be able to assign visibility over the whole community feature to:

  • all the platorm users
  • only selected users / nodes

The link will be visible in the frontend main menu



Create a Forum

Forums can be created by platform administrators

forums create

For each forum you can set:

  • Title: the forum name
  • Description: a description for this discussion board
  • Emoticon Image: an icon to identify the forum
  • Private threads: define whether all the discussions in this board should be private by default.


private discussion threads will be only visible to the user that opened the thread and forum moderators


use the "private threads" feature to create a private support board for your users

Manage Forums

forums list manage

Here you can:

  • Change the forums order
  • Select users that will be able to see this forum
  • Download the discussion board in excel format


Discussion threads

For each forum you can have unlimited discussion threads and messages


Add a new thread

forums threads add

Manage Threads

forums threads list

Manage Messages

forums message list







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