Login Form

Web Pages

In Forma you can manage html pages to be displayed either on the login page or in a dedicated tab inside the "mycourses" area.

Web pages can be added and managed from:


Admin > Contents > Web Pages


webpages list

Click on the "ADD" button to create a web page and set:


Title: this is the title of the webpage, and will be used also as link text in the login menu for external pages

Language: the page will be visible to users viewing the site in the selected language. If a different language is selected, the link to this page won't be displayed. 

Publish: Choose whether this page should be visible or not

Default page: this page will be used as content for the MyCourses "Home" Tab, and will be hidden on the login menu

Description: content of the page


External Web Pages

All the published web pages, unless set as default, will be automatically shown as a menu on the login page:

webpages login menu




Home Tab

The page selected as "default" will be used as a content for the "Home" Tab in mycourses area, provided that Tab is active:

webpages home tab


 You can activate the home tab from the User Area management under:

Admin > Settings > Elearning Configuration > User Area LMS


The tab can be renamed from the standard language management area

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